How To Recharge Your Odourous Towels

Home Hacks | 12 November 2019

Ever noticed that stale-like odour from a towel over time?

No matter how many times you throw it in your washing machine or dryer or even treat it to fresh air, it just won't budge?

No shame – it happens to all of us.

And there are two very interesting reasons for your ill-smelling bathroom towel that may catch you by surprise.

Culprit #1: long-term moisture build-up, anyone?

It's simple really.

A towel retains mould when it's kept from drying out properly – inevitable when towels usually live in moisture-filled bathrooms.

Culprit #2: ditch that fabric softener.

Excessive use and build-up of the very product that claims to soften our bathroom towels can significantly affect how vital mould repellents (air and water) are penetrated.

A towel's pliability decreases with regular and even excessive use of harsh chemicals, causing damage to the pile (the tiny threads that make up a towel).

Conventional softener products are designed to leave chemical deposits on laundry items to achieve a feeling of softness.

Therefore, when used on a towel long-term, residue coats and consequently attaches to the pile permanently.

This residual build-up stops fresh water and air from penetrating the towel, which in turn causes a build-up of mould and loss of absorbency.

Herein, our culprit for that offensive odour on your beloved bathroom towels.

Making your bathroom towels great again.

So how do we retain pliability without fabric softener? And how do we keep towels from smelling funky?

Essentially, it all starts with the quality of your cotton.

Investing in high-quality cotton not only promises long-term softness but also removes the need for commercial fabric softener altogether.

Additionally, let's not discount the environmental benefits of using fewer chemicals in our water.

Though certainly nothing new, eco-washing is more widespread than it's ever been, since we've all come to realise how we've all been unwittingly bombarded with chemicals and toxins through allergies and intolerances.

Eco-friendly laundry product and washing machine manufacturers are making loads of positive noise but we too can make a difference.

Eco-washing doesn't equate to spending a fortune on new products or discarding our washing machines – look no further than your kitchen pantry for two essential, low-cost, natural ingredients to create the best fabric softener for your towels.

Life-saver #1: white vinegar.

To stop smelly towels after washing, use white vinegar – it's a powerful liquid.

By washing towels with half a cup of vinegar in your rinse cycle, you'll achieve the following:

    • Softening of your washing machine water and in turn, your fabric.
    • Prevention of colours from fading.
    • Removal of stains, mould, dirt and nasty chemicals.

Life-saver #2: bicarbonate soda.

This white powdery goodness works a dream and will recharge your stale bath towels.

Adding half a cup to your wash cycle once water is filled then allowing it to dissolve, will:

    • Soften your washing machine's water, which again, softens your fabric.
    • Remove stains caused by dirt, food and oil.
    • Rid your washing machine of stains and odours and will restore pH levels.

Finally ...

By following the above guides, you'll no longer fall victim to smelly bathroom towels in your house. So just ensure you always remember to:

    • Allow your bathroom towels to dry completely between use.
    • Avoid chemical build-up by steering clear of commercial softeners.
    • Save time and money – use natural products straight 'outta your pantry.

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